Dr Olufemi Mosaku-Johnson is a major Corporate Governance, Strategic and Innovative Business expert in Nigeria.

  • He is the founding Registrar/CEO, Association of Corporate Governance Professionals of Nigeria.
  • Chairman, Hero Advisory and Governance Services.
  • President and Founder Christian Economic Forum, Nigeria
  • Chairman of the Board, Laba Foods Ltd.

He is a graduate of Public Administration and has Masters in Personnel Psychology (UNAD), PhD organization leadership (North West University, Florida, USA.

He is a Chartered Secretary and Administrator, Chartered Management Practitioner, Chartered Personnel Management Practitioner and Chartered Economist.

Work experience, culminating in a successful tenure

  • Ten years in Law Union & Rock Insurance Plc,
  • Eight years in Lagos State Public Service Staff Dev. Centre,
  • Five years at the Institute of Management (NIM).
  • He subsequently moved to the Institute of Directors’ (IoD), Nigeria where he pioneered and led the Directors” Development Department with triple A rated directors learning in Nigeria and in the United Kingdom.
  • He is a member of the Board of trustees and secretary of the International Aeronautics College.
  • Secretary to the Board, Medical Ethics and Governance Initiatives,
  • Board Member, Foundation for Value Transformation.
  • Committee Member, Lagos State Post Service Welfare Council.
  • Member, American Management Association
  • Technical Consultant to Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well
  • Examiner at the Chartered Institute of Bankers (CIBN)and Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administration (ICSAN)

He is IFC Certified Corporate Governance Board Leadership Trainer, South Africa and CMD Accredited Trainer.

He is an alumnus of the Lagos Business School.

He is a published author from the paramount ruling house In Aguda-Ogba, Lagos and happily married with children.

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