A management position requires the holder to perform a number of roles simultaneously: strategist, team-builder, innovator, decision-maker, mentor and leader. Success at a management level involves integrating the requirements of these roles with confidence and assurance.

This uniquely designed training course on ‘The Executive Management & Leadership Development Programme’ offers existing Supervisors, Team Leaders & professionals, and those being prepared for promotion to a senior level, the opportunity to develop the awareness, understanding, knowledge and skills. This training course will enable them to maximise their performance and success in today’s fast-changing and demanding business environment.


It will help Supervisors, Team Leaders & professionals answer the following questions:

  • What are my leadership strengths and weaknesses?
  • What can I do to mitigate the weaknesses?
  • How can I improve my emotional intelligence?
  • What can I do to lead my people more effectively?
  • How can I develop a vision for my area of responsibility?
  • What is strategy, and how do I plan for the future?
  • Is there a proven process for planning and change?
  • How do I ensure that I can implement what gets planned?



By the end of this training course, you will be able to:

  • Gain an honest and accurate awareness of Yourself
  • Monitor and adapt your own emotions and behaviours for your benefit and that of your Team & Department
  • Have a positive influence on the emotions and motivation of others
  • Create an atmosphere that fosters emotional intelligence
  • Adaptability in dealing with different personalities
  • Understand and apply the psychology of leadership
  • To study the design of visionary strategic plans
  • To consider how to translate strategic plans into action plans
  • To examine a model for organisational self-assessment
  • To provide insights into strategic planning problems to avoid
  • To highlight examples of strategic success and failure
  • To understand the nature of the organisational life cycle
  • To provide insights into productive contingency planning



Module 1: Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Day 1

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

  • Historical roots of Emotional Intelligence (EI)
  • Importance of perception
  • Developing self-awareness through understanding out personality
  • Using the LPI for understanding others
  • Developing openness to new ideas effectiveness

Day 2

Psychology of Leadership

  • Holistic leadership
  • Understanding personality styles for teamwork
  • Optimizing our personality strengths
  • Managing our emotional stress
  • High EQ leadership

Day 3

Apply Psychology in Leading in an Emotionally Intelligent Way

  • Enhancing self-awareness
  • Empathy: Increase your level of social awareness
  • Delegating tasks and responsibilities
  • Managing self and leading others
  • Influencing and inspiring people

Day 4

Building an Emotionally Intelligent Team based on Psychological Principles

  • Importance of EQ to team effectiveness
  • Motivating a high-performance team
  • Building unified teams
  • Stages of human development
  • EQ For building trusting relationship

Day 5

Communication for Successful Leadership

  • Psychology of persuasion
  • Creating an inspiring vision
  • How to flow with different personality styles
  • Practicing leadership integrity
  • Developing an action plan

Module 2: Strategic Planning & Goal Setting

Day 6

Strategy, Strategic Planning and Competitive Positioning

  • Introduction to the Course – Structure and Content
  • Strategy – Concept and Significance
  • Competitive Positioning” vs. “Blue Sky” Approaches
  • Achieving Competitive Advantage through Flexibility and Agility
  • The Interaction of Strategy, Structure and Business Processes
  • Gathering Information and Intelligence for the SWOT Analysis

Day 7

Strategic Intent, Strategic Choice and Balancing Scorecards

  • Vision and Mission Statements – Preparing for the Future
  • Business Analysis and Contingency Planning
  • Strategic Choice
  • Converting the SWOT Analysis into the “Strategy Matrix
  • Strategy Formulation – Programmes, Projects, Policies
  • Transforming the Organization – Strategy Implementation and Managing Change

Day 8

Assessing the Current State of the Organization

  • Leadership and Management in relation to Strategy
  • Customer and Market Focus
  • Human Resources and Knowledge Management
  • Building a Strategic Planning Team
  • Effective Process Management to Achieve Business Results
  • Monitoring and Measuring Business Performance

Day 9

Strategic Planning Best Practice Whilst Avoiding the Pitfalls

  • The Strategy Life-cycle and the Problem of Strategic Drift
  • Getting Innovative thinking into the Organization
  • The Potentially Negative Dimensions of Success
  • How to Avoid ‘Paralysis by Analysis‘?
  • Overcoming inability to evaluate fresh ideas, denying the truth and thinking inside the box
  • The Critical Importance of Good Planning Team Dynamics

Day 10

Personal Strategic Planning

  • Applying Strategic Tools and Techniques to the Individual
  • Personal Goal Setting, Creating a Personal Strategic Plan
  • Implementing Change – Achieving Progress as a Strategic Manager
  • The Mix of Competencies and Personal Skills required in 21st Century Business
  • Executing Strategy – How to break it down and get it done?
  • Developing Inspiration and Gathering Support
  • Overcoming Adversity by Leveraging your Skills and Building on Success
  • Conclusion – A Personal Role in the Strategic Planning and Goal Setting Processes


DATE: 22 – 24 Jan, 2024



ONLINE FEE: N120,000


This Masterclass in Corporate Affairs and Governance training course elaborates on the various roles and responsibilities of the Corporate Affairs function and its key involvement into all the processes of Governance within the Corporate.

This training course will discuss the International Governance Standard codes and how Corporate Governance is measured and bench-marked. Attendees will be gain comprehensive knowledge about Corporate Governance and its Guiding principles.

This course provides participants with a detailed understanding of the GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) Perspective, covering the Governance Framework at both the Board level (the Board Governance Framework) as well as the Executive management levels (the Assurance and Control Governance Framework).

This training course also addresses Effective Organizational Compliance Management and discusses in detail all aspects of the Risk Management vital process and its evolution into the implementation of an Integrated Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework.


This Oxford Management Centre training course will highlight:

  • Corporate Affairs Roles and Responsibilities
  • Corporate Governance
  • Principles of Good Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Affairs Involvement in Corporate Governance
  • The Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Perspective
  • Compliance and Compliance management
  • Risk and Risk Management
  • The GRC Assurance Model
  • The GRC Disclosure and Reporting Model
  • Corporate Affairs Involvement in GRC
  • King IV Report on Corporate Governance



At the end of this Oxford Management Centre training course, you will be able to:

  • Learn all possible roles played by Corporate Affairs function
  • Understand their key involvement in the various Governance processes
  • Explore a comprehensive Generic Governance model based on key principles and adaptable to any organization
  • Discuss in detail the three components of the GRC perspective
  • Learn about Compliance and how to implement an effective Compliance program
  • Learn about Risk Management, its framework and standard process
  • Discuss models of Governance Assurance and Control within the organization
  • Discuss the Integrated Model of Governance Disclosure and Reporting within the Organization
  • Learn about the King IV standard code of Corporate Governance



Day 1

Corporate Affairs

  • The Context of Corporate Affairs
  • Corporate Affairs Practices
  • Reputation Management / Media Relations
  • Government Relations
  • Stakeholder Relations / Investor Relations
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Role of Corporate Affairs in Strategic Decision Making

Day 2

Corporate Governance

  • What is Corporate Governance
  • Need for Corporate Governance
  • Principles for Good Corporate Governance
  • ‘Core’ Principles
  • ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ (PDCA) Principles
  • The 4 P’s of Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Affairs Involvement in Corporate Governance

Day 3

The GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) Perspective

  • The GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) perspective
  • Compliance and Compliance Management
  • Elements of an Effective Compliance Program
  • Risk and Risk Management
  • Risk Management Framework
  • Risk Management Process
  • Enterprise Risk Management ( ERM )

Day 4

GRC Assurance, Disclosure and Reporting

  • Good Governance Standard Framework
  • The Three (3) Lines of Defense Model
  • Role of Internal Control
  • Role of Internal Audit
  • Role of External Audit
  • Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework
  • Corporate Affairs Involvement in GRC

Day 5

Governance Standard Codes

  • Good Governance: Guiding Principles
  • King IV Report on Corporate Governance
  • King IV Guiding Principles
  • King IV Recommended Practices
  • Governance Measurement and Benchmarking



DATE: 29 – 31 Jan, 2024



ONLINE FEE: N120,000



This practical and exciting five-day course explores Learning Agility and why it is essential for any successful organisation. Learning agility is the ability to quickly adapt, learn from experiences, and apply new knowledge in diverse situations. It encompasses five key dimensions: mental agility (critical and innovative thinking), interpersonal agility (understanding and relating to others), change agility (comfort with ambiguity), cultural agility (cultural intelligence) and emotional agility (recognising one’s strengths and weaknesses). Highly agile learners are not just fast thinkers; they are versatile and can easily function in rapidly changing environments. In a rapidly changing world, learning agility is crucial for both personal and professional success, as it underpins resilience, adaptability, and continuous growth.

This exciting training course will present the latest scientific innovations in learning agility. In this professionally rewarding course, you will learn about the latest scientific knowledge related to learning and the world’s best practices used by leading organisations.


This Learning Agility Course for HR and Learning & Development Professionals will highlight:

  • Learn about learning agility and why it matters to your organisation
  • A focus on adult learning principles
  • The latest techniques and strategies for effective workplace learning
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of learning styles
  • Understand the application of change leadership principles



By the end of this Learning Agility Course for HR and Learning & Development Professionals, participants will learn to:

  • Describe the components of learning agility
  • Evaluate ways to promote critical and innovative thinking
  • Discuss interpersonal agility and ways to promote it
  • Formulate a plan for change agility and change leadership
  • Demonstrate an understanding of cultural intelligence
  • Explain the importance of self-awareness and emotional agility



Day 1

Learning Agility and How to Measure It

  • How Adults Learn: Andragogy Vs. Pedagogy
  • Self-awareness agility – recognising one’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Promoting Emotional Intelligence (EI) and self-awareness
  • Ten steps to measure learning agility
  • Analysing learning styles – what the science tells us


Day 2

Mental Agility – Critical & Innovative Thinking

  • Five components of mental agility
  • Understanding the power of ideas
  • Your brain and ideas
  • Creativity and problem-solving
  • Developing your critical thinking skills

Day 3

Interpersonal Agility – Understanding And Relating To Others

  • Seven components of interpersonal agility
  • Flexibility in communication
  • The power of empathy
  • Conflict resolution techniques
  • Influencing Skills

Day 4

Change Agility – Comfort With Ambiguity

  • Key Drivers of Change
  • Change Management Vs Change Leadership
  • Overcoming resistance to change
  • Developing comfort with ambiguity
  • A model for leading change

Day 5

Cultural Agility – Promoting Cultural Intelligence (CI)

  • Developing your Cultural Intelligence (CI)
  • Cultural competencies
  • Understanding the levels of culture
  • Corporate culture and removing silo thinking
  • Personal Action Planning



DATE: 29 – 31 Jan, 2024



ONLINE FEE: N120,000



This intensive Leadership Bootcamp for HR Professional training course is designed to equip potential HR leaders with the insights and thinking needed to bring HR to the boardroom and take its rightful place at a strategic level. Many HR professionals find that their ability to progress their career within their organisations to higher management and board level is limited not by their ability and skills but by the perception that HR is not always a mainstream and strategic activity.

The ability to present convincing arguments at the highest level for investment in people in terms of training, development and associated HR activities demands professionals who are regarded as highly competent and respected for their knowledge and visible contribution to the bottom line.  This ability is a critical skill for all ambitious HR professionals.  This training course will equip delegates with the necessary skills and confidence.


This Leadership Bootcamp for HR Professional training course will feature:

  • Stimulating exercises and role plays which are planned carefully to allow delegates to examine and undertake real-life situations and experiences.
  • Active participation to practice and apply different skills and styles – experience which can be taken back to the workplace.
  • Extensive and constructive feedback throughout the course from the tutor, from fellow delegates and from self-review.



By the end of this Leadership Bootcamp for HR Professional training course, participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the contribution of HR to the overall success of the organisation
  • Appreciate the links between HR and other success critical activities
  • Identify and develop critical skills needed for strategic decision-making
  • Develop effective persuasive and discursive skills
  • Show the HR professional and their function as competent and respected



Day 1

HR Functions, Relation to other Functions and the Operating Environment

  • Development of HR from welfare to business partner
  • Specialist functions
  • Building bridges with other functions
  • Understanding the internal environment
  • Understanding the external environment

Day 2

What is Leadership, Management versus Leadership, Styles of Leadership

  • Defining Leadership
  • Differences between Management and Leadership
  • Understanding and applying different styles
  • Making the transition from Manager to Leader

Day 3

Importance of a Professional persona, Placing the HR Function at the Forefront

  • Marketing the HR function
  • Enhancing personal image and gaining respect
  • Becoming an expert communicator
  • ‘Master class’ session in presentation skills

Day 4

Strategic Thinking and Decision Making

  • Strategic versus tactical thinking
  • Models of decision-making
  • Summarising information into meaningful argument
  • Presenting a logical argument
  • Understanding and dealing with disagreement and objections
  • Dealing with conflict and confrontation

Day 5

Analysing Data to Understand Trends and make Accurate Forecasts

  • Turning HR Data into information to understand trends
  • Making numbers easy to understand
  • Presenting data
  • Making forecasts based on analysed information



DATE: 29 – 31 Jan, 2024



ONLINE FEE: N120,000



Public Relations in the Oil and Gas Industry will help your organisation to tell its story in a way that fosters understanding building relations with local communities, national governments, campaigners and the media building your brand and reputation.

This powerful training course on Public Relations in the Oil and Gas Industry takes a problem-solving approach to the design of PR programmes for the oil and gas industry. By closely fitting the approach to core business priorities it reinforces key messages and organisational strategy.



In this Oxford Management Centre training course, you will learn to:

  • Set clear objectives and KPIs with realistic budgets and schedules
  • Design and plan successful campaigns
  • Engage your target audiences – including the media – with great content
  • Use key tools and techniques to influence audience behaviour
  • Optimise coverage in your target channels
  • Develop crisis and litigation management approaches



  • The Role of Communications and PR in the Oil and Gas Industries
  • From Exploration to Retail – Engaging and Marshalling your supply Chain
  • Setting SMART Objectives to Meet your Business Needs
  • The Psychology of Persuasion
  • The Power of Storytelling – Building your Message House
  • Choosing Channels to Reach your Target Audience, The POEM Acronym
  • Choosing your Causes for PR Crisis Defence
  • Social Responsibility Reporting
  • Environmental Scanning, using SWOT and PEST Analyses and Scenarios
  • Advanced Issue Management
  • Informing, Consulting and Working with the ‘C’ suite
  • Using Measurement to Improve Performance



DATE: 29 – 31 Jan, 2024



ONLINE FEE: N120,000



This International Contracting Management training Course is exclusively and specially designed to provide delegates with an advanced set of skills for dealing with international contracts. International contracting requires a different skill set as organizations need to adhere to different sets of governmental regulations and are subject to separate and distinct laws under disparate legal systems.

International tendering and contractual scenarios require the parties to deal with all manner of additional concerns such as logistics, export and import regulations, differing technical standards, foreign tax issues, payment, and foreign currency exchange.

This fast paced Oxford International Contracting Management training Course is specially designed to alert you to the many issues which are involved when one has to work in the international arena. Those who learn how to deal with theses issues will add a rich, exciting and challenging aspect to their career as well as reduced operating costs for their organisations.



At the end of this training Course, you will learn:

  • Determine the challenges presented by foreign currency exchange rates
  • Understand how to draft and develop International Contracts
  • Analyze the global sourcing process and methods of finding international suppliers
  • Apply selection criteria for goods and services for global sourcing
  • Learn different approaches to global sourcing and the benefits and disadvantages of each



  • International Sourcing Methods
  • Selecting Appropriate Contract Clauses
  • Developing the Overall Price
  • Risks with Global Sourcing
  • Dealing with other Cultures
  • Strategies for International Negotiations
  • Resolution of Disputes



DATE: 29 – 31 Jan, 2024



ONLINE FEE: N120,000



This Oxford Management Centre Legislation training course provides an understanding of contemporary international best practice in relation to the process of legislation, from policy preparation through to enactment and beyond.  Every aspect of the legislative process will be considered from a practical perspective, having regard to the political, constitutional, and legal context of those attending the course.  The training course will consider the purpose of different parts of the legislative process and how the purpose is best achieved in practice.  The Legislation training course will also consider recent developments in legislative practice and consider how they may be adapted to enhance practice in participants’ local context.

This Legislation training course follows as its curriculum the relevant sections of Craies on Legislation, A Practitioners’ Guide to the Nature, Process, Effect and Interpretation of Legislation (12th Edition, Thomson Reuters, 2020) and is delivered by the author of the last 5 editions of Craies, Daniel Greenberg, Counsel for Domestic Legislation, House of Commons (UK) and General Editor of Thomson Reuters Westlaw UK Annotated Statutes.


This Oxford Management Centre Legislation training course will highlight:

  • Accessibility, publication, and management of legislative documents
  • Legislative scrutiny principles and practice
  • Subordinate legislation and the growth of quasi-legislation
  • Consultation, pre-legislative review, and post-legislative review
  • Principles of legislative drafting



At the end of this Legislation: Understanding the Legislative Process training course, you will learn to: 

  • Develop appropriate documentation strategy for all stages of legislative process
  • Understand how to make legislative scrutiny effective
  • Explain principles of good delegation of legislative power
  • Develop effective consultation and review techniques and mechanisms
  • Understand the core principles of good legislative drafting



Day 1

Legislative Documentation

  • The life cycle of legislation
  • Publication of legislative documents
  • Document preparation
  • Document tracking and management
  • Accessibility of legislation
  • Publication and promulgation
  • Explanatory Notes and other materials
  • Correction slips and editorial correction

Day 2

Legislative Scrutiny

  • Substantive scrutiny – Principles
  • Substantive scrutiny – Details
  • Technical scrutiny – Primary legislation
  • Amendments – Classification and strategy
  • Stakeholder engagement in scrutiny
  • Private Member’s Bills
  • Private and local legislation

Day 3

Subordinate and Quasi-legislation

  • Fundamentals of subordinate legislation
  • Preparation of subordinate legislation
  • Scrutiny of subordinate legislation
  • Challenging subordinate legislation
  • Applying subordinate legislation
  • Quasi-legislation: Fundamentals
  • Quasi-legislation: Preparation
  • Quasi-legislation: Application

Day 4

Consultation and Review

  • Consultation principles and practice
  • Pre-legislative scrutiny
  • Post-legislative scrutiny
  • Practical benchmarking
  • Impact assessments

Day 5

Legislative Drafting

  • Principles of drafting: General
  • Principles of drafting: Specific issues
  • Plain language – Potential and parameters
  • Presumptions of construction
  • Canons of construction



DATE: 29 – 31 Jan, 2024



ONLINE FEE: N120,000


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